About eFFiRaia Luxury
“eFFiRaia Luxury is a place to buy, sell and consign your designer luxurious items.”
Established under the name of Handbag Society (now eFFiRaia Luxury), we developed a small reseller business that sells what we had left lying around in the closet; Gucci and Louis Vuitton it was. Handbag Society later changed it’s name into eFFiRaia then eFFiRaia Luxury, which was obtained from the second born daughter of Effi Rachmanto, the owner of eFFiRaia. From Louis Vuitton to Hermes, eFFiRaia spend weeks travelling back and forth to the home of these authentic goods, France, Italy, and other European cities.
Throughout the years, eFFiRaia Luxury didn’t only turn into a major reseller brand that sells not only handbags, but also shoes, clothing, accessories, fine jewelleries and watches, but we started to educate people about the advantages of investing in these luxurious goods. We posted several different posts over on our Facebook, and we hope we can maintain that on our website here.